AccessLevel |
Represents access levels that users can have.
AccessScope |
Represents the type of access that is granted on a given sheet.
AttachmentParentType |
Represents the attachment parent type.
AttachmentSubType |
Represents the attachment sub type.
AttachmentType |
Represents the type of attachment.
AutomationActionFrequency |
AutomationActionType |
AutomationRuleDisabledReason |
CellHistoryInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
ColumnInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
ColumnTag |
Represents the tags to indicate a special column.
ColumnType |
Represents column types.
CopyExclusion |
CriteriaTarget |
CrossSheetReferenceStatus |
DayDescriptor |
DayOfWeek |
DayOrdinal |
DestinationType |
Represents the type of the destination container when a Sheet or Folder is moved, or when a Sheet, Folder, or Workspace is copied..
DiscussionInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
EventAction |
EventObjectType |
EventSource |
FavoriteType |
FolderCopyInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
FolderRemapExclusion |
Represents specific objects should be excluded in some responses.
GlobalTemplate |
ListUserInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included with the ListUsers request.
ObjectExclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be excluded in some responses.
ObjectInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
ObjectValueType |
Operator |
PaperSize |
Represents page dimensions in the Smartsheet REST API.
ParentType |
ReportInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
ResourceManagementType |
Represents the type of resource management.
RowCopyInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
RowInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
RowMoveInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
ScheduleType |
SearchInclusion |
SearchLocation |
SearchScope |
ShareScope |
ShareType |
Represents column types.
SheetCopyInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
SheetEmailFormat |
Represents the Sheet email format.
SheetFilterOperator |
SheetFilterType |
SheetInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
SheetTemplateInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
SightInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
SortDirection |
SourceExclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be excluded in some responses.
SourceInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
SourceType |
SummaryFieldExclusion |
SummaryFieldInclusion |
Symbol |
Represents the column symbols.
SystemColumnType |
Represents the system column types.
UpdateRequestStatus |
UserInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included with the GetCurrentUser request.
UserStatus |
Represents the user status.
WebhookStatus |
WidgetType |
WorkspaceCopyInclusion |
Represents specific objects that can be included in some responses.
WorkspaceRemapExclusion |
Represents specific objects should be excluded in some responses.