Interface SheetCrossSheetReferenceResources

  • public interface SheetCrossSheetReferenceResources
    • Method Detail

      • listCrossSheetReferences

        PagedResult<CrossSheetReference> listCrossSheetReferences​(long sheetId,
                                                                  PaginationParameters pagination)
                                                           throws SmartsheetException

        Get all cross sheet references for this sheet

        It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/crosssheetreferences

        Exceptions: IllegalArgumentException : if any argument is null InvalidRequestException : if there is any problem with the REST API request AuthorizationException : if there is any problem with the REST API authorization(access token) ServiceUnavailableException : if the REST API service is not available (possibly due to rate limiting) SmartsheetRestException : if there is any other REST API related error occurred during the operation SmartsheetException : if there is any other error occurred during the operation

        sheetId - the sheet ID
        pagination - the pagination parameters
        a list of cross sheet references
        SmartsheetException - the smartsheet exception
      • getCrossSheetReference

        CrossSheetReference getCrossSheetReference​(long sheetId,
                                                   long crossSheetReferenceId)
                                            throws SmartsheetException

        Get a cross sheet reference.

        It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: GET /sheets/{sheetId}/crosssheetreferences/{crossSheetReferenceId}

        sheetId - the sheet id
        crossSheetReferenceId - the cross sheet reference id
        the cross sheet reference (note that if there is no such resource, this method will throw ResourceNotFoundException rather than returning null).
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null or empty string
        InvalidRequestException - if there is any problem with the REST API request
        AuthorizationException - if there is any problem with the REST API authorization (access token)
        ResourceNotFoundException - if the resource cannot be found
        ServiceUnavailableException - if the REST API service is not available (possibly due to rate limiting)
        SmartsheetException - if there is any other error during the operation
      • createCrossSheetReference

        CrossSheetReference createCrossSheetReference​(long sheetId,
                                                      CrossSheetReference crossSheetReference)
                                               throws SmartsheetException

        Create a cross sheet reference in the given sheet.

        It mirrors to the following Smartsheet REST API method: POST /sheets/{sheetId}/crosssheetreferences

        sheetId - the sheet id
        crossSheetReference - the cross sheet reference to create
        the created cross sheet reference
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null or empty string
        InvalidRequestException - if there is any problem with the REST API request
        AuthorizationException - if there is any problem with the REST API authorization (access token)
        ResourceNotFoundException - if the resource cannot be found
        ServiceUnavailableException - if the REST API service is not available (possibly due to rate limiting)
        SmartsheetException - if there is any other error during the operation